Academic Paper
Academic Paper

Finite element and clinical analyses of effects of a new intraoral device (VomPress) combined with extraoral RAMPA on improving the overjet of craniofacial complex.
Yasushi Mitani, Mohammad Moshfeghi, Noriyuki Kumamoto & Bumkyoo Choi
CMBBE 2022:25(10):1099-1110.

Finite element simulations of the effects of an extraoral device, RAMPA, on anterosuperior protraction of the maxilla and comparison with gHu-1 intraoral device.
Mohammad Moshfeghi ; Yasushi Mitani ; Bumkyoo Choi ; Peiman Emamy
Angle Orthodontist 2021:91(6);804-814

The Quintessence 2020:39(12);2836-2851

Japanese journal of clinical dentistry for children, 2019.July

Protraction Effect of Rampa on Maxillae, Upper Airway and Hyoid Bone Position; Finite Element Analysis.
Bumkyoo Choi, Jaehyuk Choi, Hyeong-un Kim, Seok-soon Yi, Yeon-mi Yang and Yasushi Mitani
BJSTR 2018:2(1):2423-2428.

Anterosuperior protraction of maxillae using the extraoral device, RAMPA; finite element method
Yasushi Mitani, Bumkyoo Choi & Jaehyuk Choi
CMBBE 2018:21(13);722-729

Theoretical and experimental investigation of the balance effects using the relation of head position and airway width from RAMPA based orthopedics.
Mira Park; Bum Kyoo Choi; Yasushi Mitani

「小児の顎顔面口腔育成治療」1~6連載 小児歯科臨床 2014
1.中顔面の前方誘導とバイオブロック・セラピー, 2014年6月号(第19巻第6号;61-72)
2.不正咬合に特有な歪み:垂直成長から水平成長への変換, 2014年7月号(第19巻第7号;75-85)
3.Ⅱ級1類と下顎の回転機構:回転と歪み, 2014年8月号(第19巻第8号:61-72)
4.脳頭蓋底の回転と下顎の回転中心:顔面形態への影響, 2014年9月号(第19巻第9号;65-77)
5.不正咬合と舌位:呼吸様式と構造, 2014年10月号(第19巻第10号;53-66)
6.口唇閉鎖と不正咬合, 2014年11月号(第19巻第11号;69-78)

三谷寧, 益子正範
Japan Society for pediatric ORL 2012

Japanese journal of clinical dentistry for children, March 2012.

Effect of the DNA appliance^TM on migraine headtache: case report.
G Dave. Singh, Ph.D,. B.D.S., Yasushi Mitani, D.D.S., Ph.D., John Utama, B.D.S.,
IJournal of orthodontic practice, Nov, 2011.

三谷寧, 北總征男, G Dave. Singh
Journal of orthodontic practice, 2011.2, 2011.3.

Craniofacial changes in patients with Class III malocclusion treated with the RAMPA system.
Yasushi Mitani, Saeed M Banabilh,
G Dave Singh
International journal of orthodontics (Milwaukee, Wis.) Vol.21, No2, 2010

The journal of structural biomedical science 2007.3., 2007.6.

Facial Orthotropics:歯列不正の原因を考える
Dental Diamond 2001.8.

三谷寧, 小松崎明, 末高武彦
Japan Society for Oral Health, 49(3), 270-285, 1999-07-30

小松崎明, 末高武彦, 井上克也, 石井瑞樹,
高野喜則, 三谷寧
Japan Society for Oral Health, 47(4), 554-555, 1997-09-30
Special Lecture

“RAMPA Therapy”
Yasushi Mitani
14th International Symposium for facial growth guidance 14th to 17th June 2012.

“Craniofacial Horizontal treatment in Growing: RAMPA system”
Yasushi Mitani
Korean Orthodontic Research Institute The 34th Annual Meeting & Annual Conference Feb. 28- Mar.1st 2010 Inchon

Craniofacial Development and Maxillary protraction
Yasushi Mitani
11th Facial Orthotropics International Symposium November 2007.

Positive Effect of Facial Horizontal Growth in the Field of Otolaryngology
Yasushi Mitani
9th Facial Orthotropics International Symposium 5th to 9th May 2004.